Dandy isn't the saint, much less the expert, that some fans think he is. He is none the less a very big LSU fan who does a good bit work on his site to keep a lot of people informed.
Don Long is a good man who bleeds purple and gold. I'll cut him alot of slack because of both qualities. When he's wrong on info, as far as I can remember, he calls out his "bad." If you have a different opinion of him, well, you are wrong.
Dandy Don's website has become a part of my daily routine.... I check that damn website EVERY day to see what he's got to say. I like him even if he's not always right! Rock on Don! Thanks for all the info. :thumb:
Don Long's website is my link to LSU football from afar. I know it is not gospel, but it is the most consistent, reliable source on the web. Walter Kronkite he aint, a little spell check wouldn't kill him know and then, but a damn fine blogger none the less. :hihi:
I-R-O-N-Y. Unless you're just clever & it was on purpose, but if it was - a little more wit would have told you to italicize it so that readers could infer it was on purpose. :thumb: :hihi:
who in the hell ever inferred that Dandy was a saint? I value his web site, and am grateful for the work he does. I couldn't begin to judge whether he's an "expert" or not, that would assume that i was, which i'm not.
Dandy Don shaked a 1000 to 2000 hands yesterday (? royalty). Is he the same one which called for Brady head last season. Sometime I just wonder what the moron up to. :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige
Plenty of fans think that Dandy is above reproach because of his fanaticism for LSU. I disagree. High School football is one thing I give him credit for knowing. Other than that, he is not particular knowledgable in any sport & his opinions are no more valid than any other fans, but yet many value it...