Hey Randy, You said in the 50's and 60's black people were routinely called monkeys. I actually never heard that in the 50's or 60's. the term that made me really cringe back then was the term that seems to be in every rap lyric that has been shoved down my throat by every "inner city, at risk, disadvantaged, disenfranchised youth" that stops next to me at red lights. So you call out Dale Brown, yet mention nothing about the above insidious form of racism? I'm perplexed. Don't worry, I can say what I just said because my own biracial Creole heritage gives me a pass; so it's must be OK. There, I'm outed. I hate playing the race card.
Give me a break. It appears that the only person in the entire state who was offended by that remark was you. Apparently you are one of those people who go around trying to find reasons to be offended.
I dare you to go to the Ninth Ward in NO, walk up to the biggest black dude you can find, and tell him he looks like King Kong.
Not sure why you quoted me, you didn't refute one of my points and agreed with a different one. I mearly pointed out he may want to go somewhere else with this because he wasn't finding any sympathy here for it. Then I just pointed out that its stupid for people to have to worry about how something they say may offend one person (in reality a small %) in the thousands or millions of people that may hear it. I never once claimed I didn't see where he was getting at. Maybe I'm missing something here and maybe I'm giving some people to much credit, but I never take offense to the choice of words people use, unless its grossly innapropriate (ie. the N word), but I do take offense to how they use them and with the tone they use them.
I dare you to go make friends with him, know him for 20 years, say he may look and act like King Kong, but is really like Bambi. Yep thats right, two totally different situations and you are not taking what Dale said and how he said it into context.
Chalk this one up to one of the top ten worthless threads of all times on here. The other nine may be from me, but this one is worthless nonetheless.
And worthless:hihi:. He said it. Seriously, To Randy: Let this shyt go, Dale Brown and Shaq have better things to do with their time then to think that he offended you with his remarks. Shaq is an educated family man who has done great things, you think he is really sitting somewhere worried about a guy he has been friends with forever comparing him to a gorilla, which was in the context of playing basketball, not this path in life. Get over it and move on.
:geaux: Well said and how true. Daddy Dale and Shaq ain't even thinking about this stuff. The PC Police have left the bldg.!:hihi: :LSU231: