THIS JUST IN: Several years ago at the NBA All-Star game in Phoenix Bob Costas said Shaq had big feet. Billy Packer once called him a "monster" in the lane and insulted Shaq further by implying that he could not even use the bathroom properly by calling him a Diaper Dandy. Send those two to re-education camp, classes taught by Randy, immediately.
Mentioning McGuire & Cosell, does anyone remember the name of the Ohio State player that Dick Vitale called "a trouble-maker" or some such when he didn't realize his mic was on?
And in entire coaching career, never recruited an Asian, a Native American or a Latin American. I think he is a closet Klansman.
Imagine if Dale had said that his hunts for Bigfoot were actually a search paid for by Shaq, to find his long lost brother. Implying even the tiniest amount of racism by Dale Brown is patently absurd.
This is the worst thread TF has ever seen. I'm sure most would pro athletes would love to be compared physically to King Kong. It's meant as a compliment, and it's likely nobody in the audience that day thought what you thought. You're the racist methinks. I hear King Kong=Shaq, I think "Big, strong, brash.....makes a lot of sense actually" you hear King Kong=Shaq and think "My god! he just called Shaq a monkey!" In the words of Freud (or someone else, not really sure): "Sometimes a banana is just a banana".
First of all I’ll say up front that I regret starting this thread and this will be my last post on the subject. I had decided to just let this thread fade off into the sunset, but since I keep getting ripped by people calling me a closet racist, I’ll make my point 1 more time. THERE ARE SOME THINGS A WHITE MAN SHOULD NOT SAY. I’m reminded of the Tupac movie Gridlocked. Tupac is best friends with a white dude played by Tim Roth. When the white dude uses the N word in a friendly way, Tupac tells him “you can’t say that”. He didn’t chastise his best friend because he was offended. He did it out of concern for his friend. He knew that a white man saying that would cause trouble. If Chris Rock or Bill Cosby said that Shaq looks like King Kong it would be funny to everyone. If Don Imus or Rush Limbaugh or Bobby Knight said the same thing, It would not be funny to a lot of people. I'm not comparing Dale Brown to these people, just making a point. I have met Dale Brown. I know he is not a racist. I’m sure Shaq took no offense to his remark. But there are some things that a white man should not say. By the way. I am a LSU Football letterman. Maybe this fact will cut me a little slack with some of you.