Must be hunting for red Randy. Congrats you found a bargain. One idiotic statement after another to achieve your goal of getting some.
This reminds me of the NCAA telling the Seminole tribe of Florida that thay're supposed to be offended by Florida State's mascot. Everything I've ever read is that the tribe is pretty involved with the school, helping FSU to accurately portray their people, and get them National recognition. But the NCAA knows better and say "no, this really does hurt your feelings, you just don't know it" geez this country needs to grow a set.
-- 1 -- I have watched this post grow from a mere pup of silliness to a full grown beast of insistence on demonstrating the original poster’s complete and total social ignorance and refusal to learn rational reasoning. So let’s pile-on with ignorant blather. -- 2 -- Shaq has either created a number of nicknames or adopted them as his own. Among them: -- “The Big Aristotle:” clearly indicating his self-loathing nature toward his own race and seeking to identify himself with a caucasian European ethnicity. -- “Hobo Master:” another nickname revealing his self-loathing nature and indicating that even though he is fabulously wealthy and famous, his internal view of himself is as a bum -- "The Diesel:" we all know how black diesel engines get, and so it is as attempt to reduce himself not just to something black, but to something not even human. -- "Shaq Fu:" failing to have himself known as a European caucasian Greek, he turned to identifying himself as Asian as a result of his self-loathing of his own race. -- "Big Daddy:" a self-hating acceptance that he cannot control his reproduction rate to something more “white.” -- "The Big Agave;" and "The Big Cactus," and "The Big Shaqtus:" again, an effort to see himself as something not even human. -- "The Big Baryshnikov:" okay, so Asian and European Greek failed, lets try the role of a caucasian communist. -- "The Big Maravich" and "Shaqovic:" communist did not work, how about a despised group of ethnic cleansers -- white ones. -- "The Big Felon:" an admission of his inherent nature as a black man. -- “Osama Bin Shaq:” Shaq gave himself this nickname a few months after 9/11 "for terrorizing the NBA” and again showing he is willing to be the the US’s most-despised person as long as he is not black. -- “The Big Banana:” a final admission that he is no more than a black ape. -- 3 -- Incidentally Kobe Bryant calls himself the “Black Mamba” after the venomous, native African snake. Daryl Dawkins nicknamed himself “Chocolate Thunder,” willing to be a weather even as long as he was not a black man. -- 4 -- Finally, minutes after going on the air on ESPNU, LSU recruit Russell Shepard said he chose and enrolled at LSU because Les Miles and the strength and conditioning coaches “bred beasts.” Obviously we need to dismiss this kind of racism from the team (even though he is African-American) in order to keep our athletic programs psychologically pure.
The people that would take offense to that are idiots. Plain and simple. I refuse to live my life in fear of offending someone. This doesn't mean I run my mouth off or go out of my way to say things that are offensive. If someone takes offense to Shaq being referred to as King Kong then they need to really take a long hard look in the mirror and try to figure out what the hell is wrong with them. *Edit* Because it wasn't worded correctly.
You sure can tell when football season has come to an end. King Kong and Bambi--American Icon's ---have some fool screaming racism. Look buddy we will change it just for you to a Transformer and Obama's bottom.
It is not Dale's fault that his parents sent him to the "Jimmy the Greek Finishing School for Coaches".