Talk about having been through tough times. Long read but talk about a good ending. Guy is a winner.;_ylc=X3oDMThic2l1aGhhBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQNCS1QgMTYwMTAyIHNwb3J0cyBXZXR6ZWwgU3dpbm5leSBhbmQgaGlzIG1vbSB0BGFpZANpZC0zNTg4MDQ0BGNjb2RlA2dhBGNwb3MDMwRnA2RmN2Y2NGQ1LWMyMjItMzVjYy1iZDRmLTVlNTNlMGRkNGU1MgRpbnRsA3VzBGl0YwMwBGx0eHQDVGhlU3dpbm5leXPigJlleHRlbmRlZGZhbWlseQRwa2d2AzYEcG9zAzAEcgNEWmh1YXNCTlRadllRQT09BHNlYwN0ZC1mZWEEc2xrA3RodW1ibGluawR0YXIDc3BvcnRzLnlhaG9vLmNvbQR0ZXN0AzkwMQ--/RV=1/RE=1452963135/RH=aHNyZC55YWhvby5jb20-/RO=2/RU=aHR0cDovL3Nwb3J0cy55YWhvby5jb20vbmV3cy9kYWJvLXN3aW5uZXktbGl2ZWQtd2l0aC1oaXMtbW9tLWluLWNvbGxlZ2UtYXQtYWxhYmFtYS1hbmQtaXQtbWFkZS10aGVtLWNsb3Nlci0yMTAxMzM1NDgtbmNhYWYuaHRtbA--/RS=^ADAggz9zIf2itRb3tUWMzep8JGhvCU-
we watch the games. hes fucking more annoying than you. despite his walkon bullshit story. and hes named dabo. god hates him too and he doesnt even realize it.
Good point. Just wondering my brother from another mother.....aren't you an atheist? If so, I'm pretty sure you don't get to invoke his name. And does this mean God is an Awbun fan?
The Almighty works in mysterious ways. On October 6th, 2007 He sent the disciple Tebow into the Valley of the Striped Beast and then abandoned him. Verily the tears of St. Tim did rain down on "Tiger Stadium.