D. Peterson confirms what has frustrated LSU fans for years.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Wildcard, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. TigerCliff

    TigerCliff Veteran Member

    Oct 17, 2009
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    After reading much of this thread I feel like Sybil !

    Parts of me agree with just about every point being made - except to Fire Les.

    I am at the point I can't explain Les and the staff for the game plan for Nov 9th. Looking back at the last 6 bowl games the thing I expected was a great game and LSU to be more than prepared to win the game. I thought that Saban and his history would have more issues than Les to get ready for this game.

    I was wrong

    I can't throw out how proud Les and my Tigers made in 5 out of 6 Bowl games heading up to Nov 9th , 2012. I was very proud of my Tigers being 13-0 that I considered to be the best Tiger team in history.

    At the end of the day I am going to give Les and the staff a pass for the Nov 9th BCSNCG ! I am not going to try to understand what happened and I am going to move on like it never did happen.

    There are 3 dead moments in my life - Ole Miss / Tenn / Bama that have to do with Les and those 3 moments do not take away from the many many many other moments that Les and his staff have made me very proud to be a Tiger.

    2011 was my best year to be a Tiger - 2012 is starting out a little dark ! Looking for the clouds to clear because the chance of rain is NEVER !!!
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Well said Cliff. I bolded the key point to your post and couldn't agree more although there is one more nightmare game that old timers remember. It is the 1960 Sugar Bowl. That is so similar to Jan 9 it is scary. LSU beat Ole Piss in the famous Holloween Game then had to face them again in the Sugar Bowl (for the NC). The Tigers played just as uninspired as Jan 9 and lost 21-0.
    Let's move forward not forgetting but building on last year. Let's hope the team uses the anger and rage of Jan 9 to exact revenge on the Gumps and all others on the schedule this fall. As fans we should never be afraid to criticise but remember who brought us to the dance and respect the achivememts as well. :helmet: :miles: :geauxtige
  3. TigerCliff

    TigerCliff Veteran Member

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Let's do move forward

    I work in the chemical plant world and we have our moments. These moments can be very bad and we do stupid things that can cause people to die !!!

    Humans are not machines and we are not perfect. We have to learn from the events in our life and move forward. The plant I now work in has about 1/2 a billion dollars on the line and stopping or shuting down is not a opition. When we mess up I can assure you that channel 9 will be here to expose the stupid we just did.

    Les and the staff have had a major Stupid moment. He is not going to retire or give up.

    I am not going to stop being a Tiger or give up. In fact I am going to circle the Bama game in Baton Rouge and start my game day plans. Bama can kiss my as s !!! Bama fans can kiss my as s !!!

    I can remember Nov 6 Nov 7th Nov 8th Nov 10th Nov 11th

    funny thing

    I seem to have miss placed Nov 9th

  4. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    Dec 1, 2008
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    Chemicals will do that. January 9!!!!
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  5. rockwallfan

    rockwallfan Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    tusk, you certainly have a lot of free time on your hands. my God, you have more posts on LSU fan sites than almost LSU fan does. you need a job, my frienemy!
  6. COramprat

    COramprat Simma Da Na

    Jun 12, 2003
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    You can't fix stupid.

    My cousin is the same way. Claims he will never go to another LSU game as long as Miles is coach. How ignorant a statement? Anyone don't want their tickets, give em to me. Me and my boys would love to be in Tiger Stadium every Saturday.
  7. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2011
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    Yeah Tusk,.. what's up with that?
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  8. TigerCliff

    TigerCliff Veteran Member

    Oct 17, 2009
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    you in the black kettle or black pot ???
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  9. b_leblanc

    b_leblanc That's just my game...

    Nov 12, 2006
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    I guess tusk and duck just realize how irrational people on their own boards are, but then again, the same can be said about this forum as well...cough cough kal-el, fang, eliminator55. :hihi:
    1 person likes this.
  10. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    Dec 1, 2008
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    I have always striven for quality in my efforts to bring calm and factual information to TigerLand. My respect for my LSU, SEC brethren is immense. Cliff has taught me to stay positive, red has shown the true value of googling and Cajun Sensation reminds me to smile a lot when I'm tailgating in BR.

    The quantity began to materialize itself during the 1st run at the NC in 09. It was my stated goal, mandate really, to make Alabama the second most popular SEC team in the land of the purple. I can honestly say at this point, I'm still not totally feeling that we have gotten all the way there. Perhaps this latest conflagration between Bama vs LSU has even set this noble goal back just a tad.

    So I say, what's a few thousand post among brethren. In the end, we will all be better for it. And remember, no matter who beats who, we all win in the end. It's just that this time, we keep the crystal.
    2 people like this.

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