Three years to salvage a computer???? Damn, that's why computers are better than peckers. You can throw your computer away and upgrade to a bigger and better one.
i thought he meant from the last time he went to the raunchiest strip club in mexico and had unprotected sex with everything he could. in which gase he probably thought about throwing it away. :hihi:
Negative rep on this from LSUDick... "Once a loser always a loser" LOL. The InterWebs make people aggressive and ballsy.
He called me a name, too. He's trolling. If he keeps it up, he'll get tossed like one of Santorum's son's salads.
Sigh...this thread is going south...PM me when we start to talk about porn again. Or PM me with porn...whatever.
If I'm crying about getting negative rep, then what's it called when you "report" two of my posts? lol Thank you for reporting my own posts to me. You also added that I was "calling names". Who's crying now? I've gotten several DM's and about 13 postive reps today from this thread and all of of the forum members commented on how much of a troll you are. Keep it up, boy.