It could be worse but homeboy knows only a few jackasses and worthless, non-contributing, government handout recipients will vote for him in this state. The past 3.5 years have really made this a RED state.
Of course locoguano would use the disgusting byproduct of anal sex (a term coined by a disgruntled homosexual) comparison to refer to a Presidential candidate. Roll ****ing eyes.
:geaux: Santorum might be a bit of a twit, but I'd puke all over my laptop if it was Obama in this picture. :LSU231:
HAHAHAHA!!! Hey everyone, LSUDeek just gave me negative rep b/c I called Rick Santorum a dick whistle! You are a joke, bro. ...and Rick Santorum is a bible thumping homophobic hypcritical pussy.....and so are you so go f*ck yourself. How bout them apples, you old prick?