my favorite is when he goes yell at the ump. Ump says "He was out." dumbass says "I know he was out, but that doesn't make you right" Um, yes it does.
The Bob Knight of college baseball. I just don't see how kids today can relate to being treated like that. Better be careful or the UT baseball team will be as irrelevant as UT football.
When I went through Fort Jackson in 1986 it was just beginning to transition over to "no touch". So they would find creative ways of getting your attention like bumping you with the brim of their hat or poking you in the chest. The language, however, had not changed. I will never forget Drill Sargent Cornellius pulling out his buck knife, pointing it at our platoon and saying "One of you m***** f***ing privates is going to put me in jail, because I'm going to kill one of you m***** f***** privates!" I can't imagine there was anything better than the looks on our faces when he followed it up with "Don't worry, I know where you sleep Privates". I never had a problem with any of it or found it too excessive. Hell, they're training you for war. Preparing a bunch of snot nosed kids to pick up a weapon and hit a battlefield doesn't call for a gentle approach. Those guys have one hell of a tough job and if it takes a little physical interaction to get someone's attention which saves that young man's life on a field of battle ... An athletic field IS, however, completely different and doesn't call for this type of behavior. I'll bet this clip gets used by a lot of other Universities when they are recruiting.
Well in 2009 when we whooped that arse in omaha was one of the best days of lsu sports in a long time
Ours were called snakes, and I still haven't finished them. We had 2 flights of stairs in each corner (4) of the HS boys gym. 1 snake was a complete round. Up 2 flights of stairs across 1 long side of the gym, down 2 flights of stairs across 1 short side of the gym, up 2 flights across the other long side of the gym, down 2 flights across the other short side, 1 snake. Ugh those sucked.
You ran in the air conditioning? Whippersnapper, we had to run up the hill, slap the cannon, run down the hill and slap the goalpost, then repeat until you puked. In August.
I didn't play football, I played baseball, I would have quit had they made me do that, on a side note, have you seen the field lately? Football field?