Usually a discussion for the end of the season, but fat and happy comes to mind. Tough deal for Woody regardless. With that kind of pay, it's hard to justify whereas baseball is not the kind of revenue driver football is. Regardless, the intimidator is getting old and is almost laughable at this point. Maybe it's time to tear it down and tell CPM he needs to earn it and start micro-managing his shit till he starts getting results. Dunno, but this teams is missing a heart. Maybe threatening to put Theroit on the staff could be persuasive?
There are 4 @lsusports teams currently ranked No. 1 in the nation: @LSUfootball, @LSUBeachVB and men's and women's track and field. #LSU But the sport Skip built is circling the bowl. Travesty
He could recover, but it’s the same damn shit every year. It’s too early, but I’m ready to call it. I think Woodward makes the move if PM underwhelms this year.