CPAC Presidential Straw Poll

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex_B, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. TigerFan23

    TigerFan23 USMC Tiger

    Dec 11, 2003
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    My last sentence was largely tongue in cheek. I do think it is of high importance to keep some of our military forward deployed as a preventative measure. That is where I disagree with Ron Paul.
  2. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    No genius, obama got elected because dubya spent like a liberal on roids while cutting taxes and got us involved in two unpopular wars which soured the electorate. The GOP could have ran Jesus against chuck manson and they would have still lost. The country didn't care who was elected as long as it wasn't a republican. To steal a line from the great Jackie Gleason, if you are able to get up in the morning, tie your shoe laces and take a pee I'm not surprised...I'm amazed.
  3. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Nov 1, 2003
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    And whom did you vote for again? Oh probably the liberal spending guy... Not much different than what we have now ehh..
  4. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Uhm…20 percent of the CPAC participants this year was young impressionable people who haven’t sowed their oats yet and only 25 percent of the CPAC participants participated in the straw poll. You shouldn’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out, and no most mainstream conservatives didn’t all of a sudden matriculate into becoming Ron Paul kooks, no matter how much you wish it.
  5. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Actually Dubya, like his dad before him, was a stealth self-immolating leftwing loon, which accounts for the massive growth of the federal government that occurred during his presidency and for the absurd way in which he spent our money like a liberal on steroids.

    Moreover, it wasn’t because he got us involved in two unpopular wars so much as the fact that he pursued both of those wars like a leftwing political correct multicultural loon, which inevitably made his wars unpopular.

    Indeed, instead of obliterating our enemies, creating deterrence, and then getting us home, Bush, like a political correct multicultural self-hating loon, pursued endless fantasy based nation-building missions meant to lift up Muslims out of poverty in an insane attempt to win their hearts and minds, which is literally impossible because Muslims, per their religion, are obligated to hate our guts no matter what we do for them. Indeed, it is the same reason that Obama is continuing that the Bush strategy today.

    Bush was completely incompetent because he is a self-immolating delusional leftist blinded by political correct multicultural madness, and in the process he totally destroyed the credibility of the Republican Party. The Republican Party needs to repudiate Bush and rid itself of the leftwing RINO ideologues that have infiltrated the party in recent years.

    I didn’t vote for Juan McPain in the last election, and in the next election if another leftwing RINO ideologue wins the Republican Party nomination again, I will vote for the most liberal candidate I can since I’m far more pissed off about the Republican Party being hijacked and co-opted by the left than I am about idiots like Obama being elected President.

    In any event, the only thing Dubya did that can be considered good was cut taxes, which not only boosted economic growth, but also boosted federal revenues to all time record levels, even while Bush at the same time also doubled the size of the federal government and federal spending.
  6. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Nov 1, 2003
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    Did he win the poll or not?
  7. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    Today the left and the leftwing hijacked media love to say and claim that Bush got us involved into two unpopular wars, but that is incorrect since at the time we entered both of those wars the American people overwhelmingly supported and favored them. It’s the left’s way of telling America we told you so America and that we were right and you were wrong.

    Now it is true that both wars later became unpopular, but that is primarily because Bush pursued both of those wars like he was a self-immolating leftwing political correct multicultural loon.

    I mean instead of kicking ass, creating deterrence, and then going home like we did in the past when we fought wars. Bush had us pursuing endless fantasy based nation building missions meant to lift up Muslims out of poverty, which has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism, in an insane attempt to win the hearts and minds of Muslims, which is also absolutely impossible because Muslims are obligated to hate our guts no matter what by their religion.

    Hence, it wasn’t that Bush got us involved in two unpopular wars because support for both of those wars were extremely high at the time that we entered them. Instead, it was the liberal leftwing political correct multicultural way he pursued both of those wars that caused those wars to later turn unpopular.

    Bush was a stealth leftwing loon. He listened to the State Department over the Defense Department and then allowed the Defense Department to be pilloried, vilified, demonized, and blamed by the leftwing press for the failure of the war in Iraq, which wasn’t their fault. Then after he won reelection he cleaned house at Defense and appointed a stealth liberal RINO like himself to be defense secretary.

    In any event, had the Bush administration listened to the Defense Department in Iraq instead of the State Department, General Garner wouldn’t have been removed from his job and we would have left Iraq as soon as the country was scoured for WMD and Saddam was captured. Instead, Bush listened to the leftwing co-opted State Department and removed General Garner and replaced him with Paul Bremer and setup the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) as the transition government, which then ensured that Iraq would turn into a fiasco.

    Indeed, today not only has the State Department been co-opted by the left, but the Pentagon has also been co-opted by the left thanks to Bush.
  8. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I have to disagree with that, the senate and congress supported Iraq, and the people supported Afghanistan. The Iraq war was very unpopular with the American people, and alot of people would contest that the reason the Iraq war was popular with the house and senate was because they were given crap intelligence. They were spoonfed garbage. Even so they are all spineless.
  9. spikke

    spikke Veteran Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    He won the poll, but only because his kook supporters infiltrated the event and then co-opted the voting, and not because more conservatives suddenly morphed into becoming kooks. The reality is Paul isn’t really a conservative. He’s a kook!
  10. Chase4LSU

    Chase4LSU Waiting on Mettenberger

    Oct 29, 2009
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    Judging from your posts, there are conservatives, leftists, and kooks. Is this a fair representation of how everyone in America falls?

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