It’s the pussification of America @tirk! Glad you and your friends still show some backbone and don’t succumb to the pc idiots messin up our country! If more school kids were allowed to kick each other’s ass now and then, we wouldn’t have all this bottled up anger!
The discussion was about saying it in front of friends. You switched/spun it to random colored people (that's what they USED to want to be called but fuggem, I call em what I want. The Constitution says I can. Oh and bye, you said you were done discussing it. Why white people get to decide, my fucking ass. Same reason bruthas get to decide it's ok for them to call one another something they don't want other races calling them. You realize THAT IS discrimination, right?
Growing up we had one of our crew that was blacker than Wesley Snipes. We called him "black" that was his name. He was always with us. That said, we are in 2018 and there is definitely a line between "nigga please" and calling someone a ...well you know. Huge difference and that is just the culture we are a part of. I didn't think I had seen anything racially insensitive here and if/when I do I will handle it. With that said, be more understanding of others you bunch of cretins. I've got shit to do and policing your asses isn't on top of the list.
Oh I'm good and I know @didit is a non confrontational guy and a good member. Just mixing it up some, gringo.