of course, we should be opening stuff, slowly. incrementally returning to normal, with new rules. half capacity restaurants, far more facemasks, disposable one-use menus, no more handshaking, more telecomuting, etc. keeping hospitals at a comfortable capacity and adding more events to the calendar slowly
Yeah but our hospitals weren’t gonna get overloaded regardless based on the numbers. if you need a ventilator you’re dead anyways 90% DR regardless what nurse is free to help. so yeah pretty much you can hide for awhile but not forever. If you’re susceptible to get it you’re gonna get it. After 2 years the majority of people will have had it. The only thing that could save us is tests that are ubiquitous so we know who has it or a bubble to hide out in forever.
It is quite simple. We can cite peer reviewed data back and forth, but let’s make this simple. The very thing that has increase life expectancy, capitalism, we are shutting down for months. Some even want for over a year. In your best educated guess, do you think people will die because of this? You like to bring up saving my grandparents for an emotional appeal, so let me also ask you this. If shutting down Louisiana saved your parents life but the loss of jobs, money, retirement lead to the death of Joe Blows parents, you cool with that right? My point is that a scale is perfectly balanced. What we lay on one side creates a reaction on the other.