Most important piece in what way, kc? He's important along with that crazy speed threat Armoni offers us. Still mad we didn't keep Achane and let him go to aTm. Joe Brady was all over Achane but we cooled when he went to Carolina. I'm old school still that the lines still matter the most. The Saints despite today's atrocity are going to be just fine going forward and a winning team because Sean finally learned to invest heavily in both defensive and offensive lines and then selectively find some pieces. We're loaded with talent on the edges with receivers and defensive backs and finally the DL cupboard is filling up again but until that offensive line unit gets much more impressive.. we're gonna struggle. If that 2019 team didn't have Cush and D Lew and those guys take it personal all offseason and bust their ass and have a guy like Adrian Magee overachieve.. we don't have that magical season. Kiner to your point though damn sure made our really bad line look a whole lot better just because of his ability to spin and stiff arm. Could be big.
I meant important from the perspective that he can excel in the pass game and fill the ceh role in this offense, and that kamara-like threat can cover a multitude of sins imo…
I strive to be just like you. "I think the consensus is O will not finish the year. If they can him mid season like they did Miles who steps in and takes the interim gig? I think someone asked this same question in an earlier post but not sure it got any traction. I think it deserves it's own discussion. So what do you do? The DC Corey? Pete? I hope someone is at least game planning for what they will do when it happens because I think the time is near"
I thought asking if Kiner can play against SEC caliber players, considering our OL problems, was rational too. Hypocrisy is big with Shane. Basically, Shane misses Tap so he comes after me.
Yes and the "consensus" today is man is responsible for the changes in earths climate and man (politicians) can actually control earths climate. In the 15th century "consensus" was that the sun revolved around the earth. "Consensus" is group think so to hell with "consensus". "Consensus" doesn't make something true or right.