I think you missing the point. The LSU student section is an exclusive club of 20 year olds who can be lunatics. the baseball coon's corner had small kids, etc.. big difference.
I hope the day never comes that LSU sports is not the exclusive club of lunatic fans, regardless of their age.
we have the best fans in the country imo. it's just the trailer park fans from grosse tete that suck.
I am disapionted to hear this. Ever since my first game sitting there as a student, I have always enjoyed the banter of Coon's crew (most of them are graduated now) and have made a point of trying to get tickets in that section. They made slow games entertaining and while insulting and sometimes disturbingly personal, their cat calls were never vulgar. I certainly hope this was just the result of too much drinking and a very bad call.
I know a great many of the guys who were regulars at Coon's Corner in its hay day and they are not vulgar people. Most of them did not curse ever It was always good natured ribbing from them, and I would bet the venom coming from that section was not from those guys.