Congressmen can't say 'Merry Christmas' in mail | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner BUT Senators Can!:insane::rofl:
It's not a religious message unless you want it to be a religious message. Besides, Obama has been telling me "Phuck You" with my tax dollars for 3 years.
christmas is a religious holiday, celebrating the birth of a mythical figure. your government shouldnt be praising allah or any other sorcerer in his correspondence with you that i paid for. if your representatives want to acknowledge the power of wizardry they can do that with their own private money. this isnt about obama.
It used to be fine to say "Merry Christmas" regardless of who was doing it or who was paying for it. It was just a traditional way to end the year on a good note. The GD liberals and PC police have turned it into a religious thing. If I tell you, an atheist, "Merry Christmas", take it in the spirit in which it was intended, not as some kind of offensive slight. You brought up the use of tax dollars. That makes it about Obama, the biggest abuser of tax dollars in history.
i wouldnt mind if you said it, i am a jackass, but not that sort of jackass. but the government is not the same. when your representative contacts you as an agent of our government, he has different standards to uphold. whatever dude.
That's the problem with this country... Those who prey together stay together, doesn't just go for families. Besides our national currency has "In God we trust" stamped on it... so what's the big phukin deal about a Rep. sending out Merry Christmas cards or anything relative? If I was him I'd do it anyway, let NObama or whoever else make a big deal out of it, and show what a grinch the bitch truly is.