true. and generally when our leaders do "nothing", we should consider that a huge victory because the things they do are terrible. the only real thing they should be doing is reversing previous things they have done. people act like gridlock and partisan blockades are bad. they are actually great. compromise is bad. bipartisanship that leads to bad legislation is bad. obstructionism is mostly what we need, most of the time. when our government does something good, it is often a reversal of their own policies. a good example is the recent victory for free speech when the SC killed mccain/feingold. that is an example of government working, reducing its influence through checks and balances.
Good point martin. It's sad that the best our leaders can do is to undo that which they have previously done.
As someone said on one of the news programs: "we don't need bi-partisanship. We need non-partisanship."
i can't say that i disagree with that statement. just seems like all politicians want to do is save their jobs instead of saving the country.
Obama, Pelosi, Reid, America's nightmare. Would you expect anything else? Hey, all you had to look at where the polls from this congress about 2 years ago, its not like they were popular to begin with. Don't worry healthcare might not be dead yet. I expect the unexpected from these socialists.
They are all America's nightmare. Everyone on both sides. Obama is no worse than any republican in the Senate or House. They all suck, because they are all professional politicians who only care about themselves.
I agree but I will say that the Republicans might be the lesser of 2 evils. As bad as they were they didn't out spend the liberals. They also didn't try and hijack the health system or push for socialism. Wrong, Obama seems to favor socialism, he also has singled out an American city twice. When was the last time a Republican has called out a city the way Obama has attacked capitalism and favored socialism. I still don't know who Obama or his wife is, either they want to change the country to fit their idea of what the country should be or Obama is dumb as nails. They all have sucked since at least the year 2000. My memory doesn't remember back that far!:lol: This is why we need political, educational and security reform in this country just as badly as healthcare if not worse.
that is a matter of opinion on the Obama being worse than any Republican. I am pretty sure that Saxby Chambliss is the anti christ. And i am also sure that Rep. Tommy Benton should be drug out in the streets and beaten.