The only way I would root against an SEC team in the NC game is if Tubby was the coach. Go Barners. Make the SEC proud.
Me too. He was the SOB that started all the chit at OM about recruiting and having to face the confederate flags and DIXIE thrown in his face.....
I think the original going fee was $200K, but Cecil could get his son at Moo State for only a cool $180K.
THIS! Except for a One-Player-Anomaly--Scam Newton--AU will assume its Right & Proper Role as LSU's Beyotch once again. Right is Right! ("So let it be written--so let it be done")!
Word is they will increase the seat license and call the increase a 'Church offering' so that's its a tax deduction. It hurts - but I got to go with Auburn. It will help our final ranking which translates into next year.