I think this years Saints team resembles the Patriots first SB team. That Pats team was a team of destiny. A great coach on a team with not much talent. But they were a TEAM. Also that was the year of 911. Now the Saints. A good coach with a little more talent than the Pats of '01. But they play as a TEAM. There is no " I " in team either. Everyone on this team does his part to make the Saints successful. A player gets hurt, his backup comes in and gets the job done. And this is the year after Katrina. A little something for ya'll to think about.
Two totally different teams but with similiar paths I will agree. Pats defense really jelled and was the driving force of that team. Saints offense has really jelled and are the driving force of this team.
The defense is coming along now. very impressive the last three weeks. My point with the comparison is: both teams came out of nowhere, not getting much respect, not a plethera of superstars, both coaches.....pure genious! And lets hope both teams........SUPER BOWL CHAMPS!!!!!!!! WHO DAT, WHO DAT, WHO DAT SAY THEY GONNA BEAT THEM SAINTS!!!!!!
Not enough credit goes to the defense. Payton's genius on offense will help to continue that trend. I love oreos.