During this week, Miles stated there are communication issues on defense, in that calls aren't being communicated to the personnel on the field properly. I am curious as to how this becomes a problem, when seemingly this would be handled in practice. Looking for some constructive criticism/intelligent discussion here, not knee-jerk responses (e.g., the players aren't talented enough, the game has passed Chavis by, etc.).
The morning paper said that defensive calls were not being passed around properly, presumably when players were spread out. Everyone is responsible for looking to get the call and passing it on and everyone is responsible for making calls when appropriate. I noticed in the game for the first time LSU's offense and defense were using those big boards with pictures on them to signal calls in from the sideline, like Oregon and some other schools use. Perhaps the players were not picking up on what the calls were from the sideline in the new system. They had better learn fast.
If that is the case then there is more reason to put the more athletic players on the field. I have a real problem with those who have attacked Welter so much. To say he is afraid and lazy is just putting your failings on him. Anyone who has play a down of football from the HS level on up knows it take hustle and guts to play and any player ESPECIALLY a MLB who isn't tough would never make it to HS much less the SEC. Maybe you better smoke a little less arrogance and put yourself in 31's shoes. I do think he is overmatched physically and isn't up to the job. However I haven't seen a ton better from Beckwith...he has been late to the hole and missed tackles though it seems he is getting better. If Beckwith can do a better job of tackling and stuffing the run and we are using the signs to set D calls then Beckwith probably is the better for MLB.
Les indicated that both Harris and Beckwith would be playing more. As they become more effective and more knowledgable, they make themselves more valuable. They must earn it on the field, they are getting the opportunity to do so, and they are both progressing.