Oregon is by far the scariest school when it comes to this law. Phil Knight would have no qualms with telling the Zion Williams of the world that he'll give them a shoe deal if he plays his year at Oregon. Similar story for football. The law doesn't allow for payment of players. Rather, it forbids the NCAA from denying student athletes sponsorship opportunities. Think local car commercials/jersey sales/shoe deals for the really hyped prospects. That said, if it passes in California, this is going to be supreme court bound. NCAA will fight it tooth and nail, and honestly, I think they have a reasonable case for the law violating the interstate commerce clause. This is more or less California (and a couple of other states who are realistically just going to follow California) trying to regulate the NCAA.
Deals like you suggest are likely to be prohibited. However, aren't their "deals" like that already going on around the country? We're just not supposed to know about them. And it's been signed in to law as of yesterday. Doesn't take effect until 2023 but it's passed every level of legislation. If the NCAA is fighting it, which they are, it's because they want the money! BTW, the Pac12 conference is also against it. Another reason to support it. These greedy rogue organizations need to be busted up.
It’ll be like the NFL without a cap, so the divide between rich and poor teams will grow. Whatever, let the chips fall where they may, it’s happening to some degree already. I anticipate the NCAA will get on board and write some dumbass regulations.
@Kikicaca shane and kyle made us a playroom. Come by and visit. http://www.tigerfan.com/forums/ramahs-playroom.35/ I the sole mod there though so behave, baw.
Once you allow players to receive money, you just opened the world up to them with regards to loopholes, backroom deals, and all the other goodies. If it is anything like running a business, you can make a profitable business look like you didn't make shit to uncle sam. It is going to kill CFB. I mean, we cant even trust politicians to pass bills without enriching themselves. There is going to be soo much shit caked into this we likely know know it until its too late.
Metropolitan population of BR and NO combined is about 2, 000,000; Tuscaloosa less than 250,000. Louisiana is about 41/2 mil and mostly LSU; Alabama is 4.9mil and the gumps split it with the birdtigers. Florida is 20 mil but the gayturds have a lot of competition; AND the population center is pretty far south of them. Do we need to discuss moostate, old piss, and the hogs? Now A&M could be a problem. But, I don't know how this will end up but I'm not worried about us.