The picks cover the Top 10 Bowl games I think they have it close for LSU who covers the 1-2 point spread! Sallee: Honey Badger For The Heisman The best lines gave Brockers the respect he never got this season! Three Names To Drop To ... 1. DT Michael Brockers, Soph. LSU 3. WR Rueben Randle, Jr. LSU You can tell this is Zemek ... Gut-Reaction Pick ... LSU 17 ... Alabama 13
LOL LOL In over time or regulation play ?? Bama 13 LSU 14 As great as Richardson is Bama trys to win instead of a tie , He gets stopped Late ' This is not my Heart Felt 250 reasons for LSU to win , they are on LSU . My mind bet would be the above with Bama 13 LSU 10 For some reason I feel a good over/under halftime bet , = 49 As good as the two defenses are. I think botH offenses wil show off just for Vgeas and the yankee sports teams (ABC<CBS< FOX ESPN< ) the one who do not like boring games . At half time the defenses wilL be tryig to undersatnd the two Offenses . Both teams to score over 35 for the game . Could get some great odds on this bet , LSU has made me Happy all season , I can't lose with that "WYLD EYED " bet . But I really don't think that will happen , About the heisman . You can tell by the way he wears his cap, he wants to grow up to be a weilder .Weilders wear their caps that way so they will not catch them on fire .The winner will be playing on Sunday , but unlike V Young , He will make an impact for any team he plays with . His mom and dad are heros , . he was almost a Tiger
Brother, there won't be more than 30 points scored in this game! There were only 15 points scored in the last, and that's with an OT!
This game will remind everyone of two bull hippos fighting over a piece of arse in a mudhole. I seen something said very similar to this in an article I read. I hope PETA sues lsu for animal cruelity for what we do to the elephants. Why is it that every time I see roll tide written in red I think of a big nasty bloody ****y?
I'm glad to see there are still writers and journalists out there that actually know what they are talking talking about. Great piece.