So just to be clear you are comparing not paying student athletes on top of getting a free ride through college to this “Childlabor and slavery was a tradition, same arguments were made when abolishing those traditions”. Not paying student athletes on top of free tuition (because I think we all miss that these poor souls are getting a free ride already) is like child labor and Childlabor and slavery? Is that really the point you want to make?
I'll bet you any amount of money that in ten years college sports will be bigger than ever, and that athletes who who aren't first rounders will be more likely to stay another year. And it will be because change is good, preventing athletes from owning their likeness is dumb and unfair, and digging your heels in and refusing to adapt is how things die. Here are some things that people thought would kill college football at one time or another: the forward pass, integration, television, conference championships, the playoff. Relax.
College football is the only path to the NFL. There is no minor league system in football. A lot of players would never be in college at all if it weren't for football. Many of thwm are not academically capable of graduating from college yet coaches are more than willing to sign them if they are good enough players. Sure they get a paid for college scholarship but the are not going to become doctors, lawyers or engineers. The collges pay them nothing. Many of them come from financially strapped families. If some of them are good enough to make some money through endorsements what's the harm? Even the best of these guys may never play on Sundays due to injuries or just not being vood enough to transition to the next level. Even minor league baseball players get paid something.
change has hurt baseball badly,.. it was much more awesome in the '60's nope, I'm pissed, riled up, and I plan on staying that way
How much does it cost ? To feed ,train, provide transportation, health care, and shoes and what ever comes up. Now about paying will they stay 4 yrs or leave after two? Seems to me if they break the 4 yr contract maybe they should pay for the training they got After all they will be making millions