I live in Mandeville and am there quite frequently. Many of my best friends are in NOLA. They all choose to live there because they love the city and choose to raise their kids there. It seems it's not a good fit for you. You should move.
That's because you're as ignorant as he is. Anyone who has ever attended a major sporting event in New Orleans knows that it's by far the best city in America in which to hold said event. The city is in a year round warm/mild climate. The areas where tourists congregate (FQ, Canal, etc.) are among the safest in the country. There are more hotels than needed for any sporting event within walking distance of the sporting venue. In fact, the last I saw NOLA was in the top 5 for hotel rooms. No law enforcement department in the country does better with crowd control. On top of that is the world class dining. World class, not best in the US but among the best places to eat in the entire world. The city is central to the country, so we're talking about a 3-4 hour flight, tops. Who gives a shit about the airport? Unless it's a hub or connecting city, airport facilities mean very little because you're not spending any more than just a couple hours there and you're moving through the check-in process the entire time. Cowherd is just made he's going to lose out on his free trip to Hawaii...
7 people were shot outside OKC's arena after an OKC win against the Lakers. It was said a group of men shot into a group of women. Statistics would say OKC is safer than NOLA, but when has any such incident ever occurred regarding a sporting event or major event in New Orleans? Not in my lifetime which spans the past three decades. It hasn't happened. No one is going to say New Orleans is not crime-infested. It has a lot of problems many of which stem from those who live in Orleans Parish being either fairly well off or really poor. The in-between has moved outside the city's limits into the suburbs which are ever-expanding offering the things you claim are so important to you offered in those other three states. Now, on to the issue at hand. YOU are not understanding the debate. Cowherd gave reasons why NOLA shouldn't host major sporting events, none of which you have substantiated. All you have done is give your personal view of living here compared to other places. The debate isn't over if Pro Bowlers should live here only if the city is worthy of hosting the game which it clearly is. Some people can't stand the crime rate, terrible streets, poor response to outages or leaking pipes, subpar airport.. I get all of that. However, it has no bearing whatsoever on the city as a tourist destination and as an iconic venue for hosting large-scale events that brings in massive amounts of people from all over sporting or otherwise. Oh, and if you honestly think NOLA is the third worst city when it comes to murder in the world then you're not worth having a discussion with. Plenty of places that are dangerous as hell have little infrastructure to support such a task as proper record-keeping of murders to begin with.
He needs to check history like Superbowls Nola has always been a destination. Even a Pro Bowl with Lynn Swan, and OJ
1) it doesn't say anything about New Orleans being the prison capital of the world, it says that about the State of Louisiana, not New Orleans. New Orleans =/= the State of Louisiana 2) even if New Orleans was the prison capital of the world, wouldn't that mean that New Orleans is the one of the safest places in the world? after all, the article points out that "America has more prisoners per capita than any other nation" ... does that mean America is the most unsafe country in the world? of course not. America is one of the safest places in the world because we have the money to fund prisons, and the law enforcement to put people in them 3) New Orleans is not the murder capital of the world, not even close. that would be places like Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, which has thousands of murders each year... most of which aren't even investigated because they don't have the resources. compare that to New Orleans, that only has 158 to 274 murders per year from 1999 to 2010, for an average of 206 murders a year over those 10 years 4) New Orleans is not the murder capital of the US. look at New York City, they had 471 to 671 every year between 1999-2010, much more than New Orleans. same with Los Angeles (293 to 654 murders every year from 1999-2010, way more than New Orleans). or look at Houston (230 to 377 murders every year from 1999-2010), more than New Orleans again. I could go on and on 5) the reason New Orleans gets labeled murder capital, it's because it's always in the running for most murders per capita. but you have to remember the city of New Orleans itself only has 343,829 people within the city limit, which artificially drives up the murder-per-capita number for New Orleans. what they should use is the metro population number of 1,167,764 when coming up with that stat 6) even if New Orleans really was the murder capital (which it's not), have you ever looked at a map of those murders? most of them take place out in New Orleans East, which is nowhere close to anywhere a tourist would be. if you want a real number at how safe a city is for tourists, or for people coming to watch games, you'd have to show how many tourists or sports fans are actually victim of a crime in New Orleans, and compare that to all the other cities. i guarantee you there are cities that have their stadiums in much worse parts of town than the Superdome and New Orleans Arena are in 7) you realize New Orleans is top 3 every year in number of conventions held in the city, along with Orlando and Vegas. if it was so unsafe, don't you think companies would quit having their conventions there? Finally, here are some lists of most dangerous cities (only listing cities that have big sports teams)... New Orleans doesn't make any of them: MSNBC, using FBI crime statistics 1. Detroit 2. St. Louis 3. Memphis 4. Oakland, CA (home to NFL Raiders, MLB A's, and NBA Golden State Warriors) 5. Baltimore Forbes, using FBI crime statistics 1. Detroit 2. Memphis 3. Las Vegas (no big sports team but a major place for conventions and tourism) NeighborhoodScout.com (a geographic research company) 1. Detroit (Atlantic City, NJ -- no big sports team, but a big tourist place) 2. St. Louis (Myrtle Beach, SC -- no big sports team, but a big tourist place) 3. Oakland, CA (home to NFL Raiders, MLB A's, and NBA Golden State Warriors) 4. Memphis 5. Baltimore 6. Atlanta 7. Cleveland 8. Buffalo (Compton, CA -- for a comparison of how bad the above cities are) 9. Daytona Beach, FL (Daytona 500) 10. Washington, DC (Alexandria, Louisiana - worst ranked city in Louisiana, only one on list) 11. Miami 12. Cincinnati (Niagara Falls, NY -- no big sports team, but a big tourist place) 13. Philadelphia 14. Kansas City 15. Nashville (West Hollywood -- no sports, but big tourist place -- Sunset Strip, etc) 16. St. Petersburg, FL (home to NFL Tampa Bay Bucs, MLB Rays, NHL Lightning) 17. Orlando 18. Houston 19. Milwaukee 20. Minneapolis 21. Newark, NJ (home to the NHL NJ Devils and MLS Red Bulls) 22. Chicago
Is spelling not an intellectual pursuit? I provided severly (several) links that proves this statement wrong. Murders are moving more toward Metairie and New Orleans weather (whether) you like it or not. Back on topic, you really need to move. I can't believe you have such disdain for the city you live in. Interesting that you totally ignored all of the good things that Travel & Leisure, AAA South Magazine, Shutterfly.com, gaytravel.com, tripadvisor.com, or moneywatch.com had to say about NOLA. You just choose to be negative toward the city. Personally, I believe you really love living here and you just had a knee jerk reaction and thought it would be cool to agree w/ cow*ass and you didn't expect people here to call you out on it. Now you have painted yourself into a corner and can't find a graceful exit. It's ok to admit not thinking something through. Come on back to the right side!
Real nice btw telling Kyle to give you the $$$ Your arguments are petty. Why are you so pissed at the state all of a sudden? Seems to me like there's some issue(s) there a lot deeper than you're letting on. If you don't like it then why not leave? You hate it so bad why go to NOLA in the first place? Perhaps you should use some of that energy and write a letter to your congressman and voice your concerns with him? BTW congrats, you've managed to piss off everyone on this forum who loves and calls Louisiana home.
If it's to the point that you fear for your life, then you'll find the money somewhere. And, just because 'I' don't live there doesn't mean that I don't have friends and family that do. To that end, I'm there all the time and never feel threatened. As for the shootings, how many occurred in the Quarter? How many affected tourist? No one is sugar coating the fact that N.O. is an unsafe city with an unacceptable crime rate. Where I take issue with, is that somehow, this should exclude the city from hosting big events. It shouldn't.