What differences would you be looking for, considering RP (whomever) injured, would best fill the gap?
What if our OC got hired off as a Head coach, down the road? It would be good to have a highly talented QB of another "Style"- considering the talent we currently have at that position- just a thought. See UM.
Yeah read the OTS and made me say I wanna play on a team with him. He knows that competition can only make you better so why not compete against the best. He has a great mentality and personality.
I think it would be a good idea to have a guy who is more prolific at throwing the ball than running with it in case we happen to need a couple pf quick scoring drives at the ned of a half or game. I agree with those that say Crowton is very adaptable in his system, people get confused about what he does as a coordinator. He may just be the best coordinator in the country.
http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sports/5520817.html Green says he wants to play QB in college, but he is open to changing positions if he finds a school he really likes. LSU and Texas A&M lead, distance will be a factor.
I think he's a bit overhyped in that article. He is listed as running a 4.7 40 on scout.com and 4.6 40 on rivals.com.
true, but if you run a 4.7 as QB in college, you ain't nowhere close to a dual threat qb, that was Russell's speed