to add to what you were saying, what kids want the most . . . $$$ and LSU has sent more players to the pros the last 3-4 years than maybe anyone.
It was a bad year and if defensive changes aren't made, then we will definitely be a program in decline. But let's see what Les does first. Hopefully he will see the obvious and make those changes. As for Florida last year, they didn't get 50+ points posted on them twice. Their losses were all very close except for Georgia which was still only like 12 points. They had a Heisman winner coming back at QB. I'd say their situation was a little different. But still, it was a disappointing year for them last year.
Florida also didn't have the offensive struggles we had and arguably just as bad if not worse of a defensive situation. Florida was young last year, now look at them. LSU is young in several key positions. If they continue to struggle next year, then its cause for concern. I seem to remember Texas fans wanting to run Mack Brown out after their recent NC, two mediocre seasons now look where they are.
Florida had a Heisman winning QB and four losses. Lee gave the opposition 49 pts, and more! Without his play we would be no worse than 9-3, even with our HORRIBLE defensive scheme. Miles sounds like he will make the change on D, and if we go forward with JJ, he will have the confidence to not "restrain" the offense as he had. Does he make questionable decisions? Yes. But what coach really doesn't? I haven't seen one coach that I think is perfect.
I agree with the frogleg, to keep citing Miles record instead of citing the decline of the program is a losers mentality.
Well, it certainly needs to be included in the conversation. A loser's mentality, however, I would submit, is one that focuses on negatives and gets paralyzed to overcome the problems. The healthiest attitude, I believe, is one that is honest about strengths and weaknesses, focuses on positives that feature your strengths while creating solutions to improve your weaknesses. The regular season is less than 24 hours old. Les needs to make methodical, accurate, honest assessments of strengths and weaknesses during this offseason, and make good decisions on how to correct the problems while enhancing our strengths. I believe CLM will do this. If we have a consistent pattern of decline year of year, including next year, then it will be clear we may need to move in another direction.
See thats a huge problem I have everyone just looks at the number of loses and says look its not that bad Florida had 4 loses after their NC run. For me I dont look at just the number but more so they WAY and MANNER in which we lose our games.
Valid point. Florida had 3 losses last year decided by 6 points, 4 points and 3 points. Their 4th loss was a 12 point margin to Georgia. Our losses this year are much worse than Florida endured last year. Add to that one of our worst wins in recent memory, Troy, and this years record is forgettable. I still had fun watching LSU and dont think Miles should be remotely in trouble but you cant ignore what you see on the field.
it seems to me that after a nc year, anything less could be considered "decline". i dont like the way we lost either, and things i saw troubled me. and to me miles is not on the hotseat. because you have to give him the chance to correct the problem. i think he will make corrections and changes now that the season is over.