Just watched the local news, and their comment was Nick blew a gasket again today. I have never said anything negative or positive about CNS, but I can see that he is frustrated. Not at the fans, but at the media and thier constant hounding of him about the expectations. He does not look happy to be where he is IMHO. I like the guy, and think if the media would back off, he could rebuild a program for UA. I feel sorry for him, because he has such a desire to be successful, but no tolerance for the Al media. Take it for what it is worth, but that is just my opinion.
It really was pretty calm today, and certain media member sdont even ask questions anymore, which is a relief to everyone involved. Most LSU fans are just now watching, which is obviously normal, but there have been some verrrry entertaining ones this year.
They only showed a clip of CNS calling the media out about expectations of winning at all cost, and that was not what he was about. I am sure you can find it somewhere. Maybe CNS would like to go to Michigan!!!!!!
My thoughts on this subject is that I think Saban should get the credit for the 0-10 record in Miami, it should be put in his win vs losses column. He quit the Dolphins and must've seen it coming this year, even Spurrier didn't quit in one year. This year has been a riot watching Alabama football and I almost can't wait until next year that is if Nick stays until then! Edit: Can't wait for the Iron Bowl this year and I'm definitely rooting for the other Tigers! Geaux Tigers!
If these yahoos would back off, and let him have a chance to build something, UA could be something again. But if they don't, the BEAR talk will be here again, and nobody will want to coach them.
Yo can add Joe Paterno to that due to lackluster performance this year due to arguably the worst coaching or 2nd worst in the Big Ten. Losses this year were preventable, and QB coaching would be excellent without Jay Paterno leading the helm. Paterno is a good man, and he was a good coach....but sometimes you just have to realize when you need to retire.