These college kids would beg to differ.
you really believe this don't you? this reminds of of a three year old getting excited for trick candles but after they go out the first time they never come back. its just sad.
99% of those "kids" are either political activists or hanger-on-ers. Less than 1% of them are college athletes. Those videos do nothing to convince me that high school students have ANY clue about fact, 99%of them can't find Prague on a map, much less Mosul. 95% of them have never read the Constitution. And almost NONE of them have developed a political opinion outside of what MTV or their friends think. Never mind that we were talking about high school kids and you show me a video or two of "college kids". Those two years between 11th grade and the end of your Freshman year mean a LOT. But ALL THAT ASIDE, this has NOTHING to do with Coaches and Politics. Sorry folks, it's 1745 and I haven't had a beer yet. I'm a bit surly.
This is the classic tactic of the ignorant. When you don't like the message, attack the messenger.:dis:
No. I've lived longer than 23 years. If I'm more than 10% wrong, and you can prove it, I'll buy you lunch.