Nothing special regarding the conversion about the Michigan job....he gave the standardized reply a coach should give. He definitely has fond memories of Michigan and Bo, as well he should. There's nothing to see here people....keep movin' along.
And in about a week (assuming Carr retires), it will be "Look you goddam* SOB, I've told you and everyone else..."
I don't claim to have a real educated opinion about Miles to UM, but after listening to the interview today, I found it to be more telling light of the seems like he would have tried to hide his feelings about UM if he was really planning on a move. He didn't. He was open and honest about his feelings toward UM...and his history he always has been. I don't know if that means just wasn't what I would expect to hear from a coach planning to bolt.
I think the feeling is pretty much universal in the LSU Nation (or at lease a majority), that because of Les connection to Michigan, if he is offered and takes it we understand. We may not like it, but a man has to follow his heart and when your dream job comes along you really gotta take it. I don’t think many of us would have any hard feelings. That said, we all need to remember, our team is on a NC run. We can help by supporting the team – coaches and players. We can’t do a damn thing about the Michigan job and what might happen up there. So let’s focus on what we can have any impact on – support this team and the coaches on their NC run. ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: ldskule: