Awww man, thats almost as bad as this one... Q: What to you call a cat on the beach? A: Sandy Claws!:grin: Well, at least its a Christmas joke...
Over at CollegeFootballNews, Clucko the Chicken disagreed with the 5 "experts" on pretty much every big game. The 5 "experts" predict LSU, VT, Oklahoma, Georgia, and Florida to win, while Clucko predicts that all five of these teams will be upset by OSU, Kansas, West Virginia, Hawaii, and Michigan.
where college football news has a chicken, ESPN has Lou Holtz, I'm trying to figure out wich one has more credibility in the last 7 years.......... I just may be here fore a while get back to me around .......... maybe 2118:huh:
Highly disagree. 1. Notre Dame in general. 2. USC Band 3. Tennessee in general (orangeness and rocky top) 4. OSU fan base's insistence on the 'the' (Note: PSU is also technically The Pennsylvania State University, but you don't hear us bragging about it)
So wouldn't that work out to be something like "tPSU" then...(No pun intended BTW) :tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye: