If they're gonna put a "t" or "the" in front of OSU, they might as well give it to the OSU that has the most national championships....The Oklahoma State Cowboys
Done... I think he's changed his mind... [MEDIA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf3OZElzNKA&feature=related[/MEDIA]
I've always thought that the insistance of using the "The" in "The Ohio State University" had a lot to do with low esteem and trying to prove something or overcompensation for some perceived dificiency. For instance, the official name of Hopkins is The Johns Hopkins University, but the people there are well aware of the institution's status and are happy to just say "Hopkins" or "Johns Hopkins". They don't feel the need to over-empasize the full name, because that would be crass. Kind of like comparing people with old money with the nouveau riche. tOSU = The Clampetts.
:grin: Looks like Chicken dinner to me... I like the idea of having a "I Hate Clucko" poster during the NCG...think it would be funny as hell!!!