What are you talking or dreaming of "same state as the Sooners." you guys are just wacked out....way out there !!!! to the moon ! are you traveling to NO to witness a LSU defeat from tOSU ?????? :huh::nope::angry::insane::insane::insane::insane::insane::miles::rolleye33::rolleye33::rolleye33::rolleye33::rolleye33::rolleye33::rofl::rofl::rofl::huh::huh::huh::huh::huh::huh::huh::huh:
Completely clueless, I guess that's the kind of education you get once an university reaches elite status and achieves the little "t".
Sooners = sarcasm (please dont ask me to define it for you little buddy) Would not miss it. Tell your mom and dad there is a chucky cheese just outside of town and that you promise to be good so you can get a treat and maybe even see Clucko the Chicken.
you are a looser....looser...just be sure to take your medications b4 u go to the game.....we want you to enjoy the real deal. Hold up a sign "we hate tCLUCKO" or "I'm a IDIOT" or something that fits your style.
I see. By putting the word "The" in front of OSU it helped to reduce the number of their students and alum who were going to other schools by accident. Such as Uof Ohio and Uof C, also Miami(Ohio). This lead to alot less confusion amongst their fans also who had a habit of going to UM games instead and accidently cheering for the maize and blue. I guess we should have some sympathy for the poor individuals who have to claim tOSU as their alma mater. It's not their fault that they were not fortunate to be born and raised in the south.:grin:
WOW, I AM A DOUBLE "LOOSER". Is that anything like a "loser"? Just curiuos, am I loose, or will my team "lose". Maybe I am THE LOOSER, like THE OSU. Damn my Louisiana public education looks better every day.
I did some research and found out that Clucko is biased and a homer. Seems that he was an honor student at tOSU so his predictions are a little tainted. I think he finished with a higher GPA than ole Herbie.:lol: :LSU231: :crystal: :crystal: :helmet: :milesmic:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there sure seems to be a lot of posts to a thread that began about bias poultry! :rofl::rofl::rofl: I say we toss "Clucko" in with Mike for a bit and see if he comes up with any "new" predictions!
lol, love the clucko angle. Sorry about the trolling visitor. 'The' was a product of Ohio U going nuts and starting a legal battle of the rights to everything 'Ohio'. They were even ticked about the name of Ohio Stadium. Between that legal nonsense, and the remade logo identity & branding of the university (where the logo included 'the'), it became a more prevalent part of the school name. Then like most MNF introductions, they oversensationalized a simple introduction, and the rest was history.
Wondered about that "t" thing...thought it might have something to do with that chicken deal. :tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye: