Speculation of course. Anyone got any ideas? Personally I think choosing either Juaquin or Julian Castro from San Antonio would be a home run. Shane I know you don't think she will make it out of the of the democratic race.
I read an article that said a hundred Constitutional law experts could be found to argue either, yes he can or no he can't. I'd love to see him try, if only to watch the Repugs have apoplectic strokes.
He can't because he would be ineligible to become president. That is the one real criteria of the VP.
The law prevents a president from occupying the office for more than two consecutive terms. I'm not sure if the law allows a president to sit out a term and then run again. In Louisiana a governor can do that. Edwin Edwards served 2 consecutive terms and came back later twice to become governor again. If Booby Jindal finds himself in need of a job in 2017 he could legally run for governor again.
There is a conflict between the 12th Amendment (which says no) and the 22nd (which says yes.) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/19/AR2006101901572.html