You haven't shown me shit. Just throw insults and never state your on position. And I have a better word for you than idiot.
I always state my position. it is my position that you are clueless it is my position that the founders never used the Bible to write those documents it is of my position that being patriotic is relative, its not a scale (if I stick one hundred flags on my front lawn for the 4th of July or if I tell you my grandfather stormed the beach during the Normandy invasion, can I transfer that patriotism to myself, see its all relative, not this Bible thumping, take our country back, racist view of America that you think you have) it is of my position that you can reconcile the bill of rights and constitution to the bible and show me correlation what else do you want.
The source sited in this article says something interesting. "It matters to get this right. If it’s redistricting, then Republicans rigged themselves control of a key lever of federal policymaking. This casts fundamental doubt on the legitimacy of the Republican majority, and bolsters calls for redistricting reform as a way to fix the problem (for the record, I’m not exactly an opponent of such reform). But if the explanation is incumbency or political geography, all it means is that our single-member district majoritarian system distorts outcomes in ways that are difficult to eradicate without moving to a different system entirely." In other words, if it was rigged redistricting something is broken and the system needs changing. If it is was incumbency or political geography, then something is broken and the system needs changing. I totally agree. The redistricting should be taken out of the hand of the politicians themselves being redistricted.
That's fine, but gerrymandering is nothing new, and it's certainly not the exclusive domain of the republicans. It's what happens when one party sweeps local elections. It's a rehash of what we already knew. Gerrymandering sucks, until it works in your favor.
Gerrymandering always sucks. Computer GIS systems can redistrict into compact unbiased districts with perfect numbers in each district and no political skullduggery. But the politicians won't let go of the skullduggery. Whose blessings ? Governments? Being patriotic isn't about flag waving. It's about standing up for your fellow man and country. Taking a stand for what's right. I believe to much govt is bad and it defeats why this country broke away from England in the first place. It's about people wanting a chance to make it on their own with as little govt interference as possible. People come to America looking for the American dream. Not more govt. Now you have those that come for handouts, not opportunities. There are those that still want the American dream its just that democrats brainwash their asses into thinking we should take care of them now. Mission accomplished in large parts.
Agreed. Even if it cost the republicans the house or some other election, I'd be willing to reform the redistricting process. But, my original point was that gerrymandering did NOT secure the house for the republicans. And so far that appears to be true.
Thank God the House still has a republican majority. I'd hate to think of all the bullshit a democrat controlled house and senate would cram down our throats if left unchecked.
lol standing up for your fellow man. thats funny. really but Slavery lasted for years after we broke away from England, there is the end of that argument about people wanting a chance to make it on their own. Slavery was a governmental institution so clearly the large part of the economy depending on a government insitution.. Maybe thats the bible reference you're talking about.