I've told you why--I disagree with your opinion. You are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to your own truth.
It really amazes me how many of you guys are able to convince yourself that you are a better judge of football talent than John Chavis or Les Miles. Two of the highest paid and most accomplished men in their chosen profession on the planet. I'm pretty self confident myself but damn! I guess some of you think that men like this are willing to risk their >1million dollar salaries on some made up loyalty to a college student. Bottom line is they have seen something that makes them believe giving Welter more playing time than Beckwith or Jennings more than Harris gives their team the best chance to win. I hate to break the news to you all but if you had a better eye for talent than either of these two you'ld be making more money than you are now.
LOL....whatever cowboy. Dj dated my little cousin through school, that's how i got to know him. Not that I need to explain anything to you.
Yep.....we ALL have opinions, they express theirs on gameday by who they play, and we express ours here. Last time I checked that was still legal.
Who said it was illegal? Or even wrong? I just find it amusing. And Miley Cyrus got where she is by being talented enough to be hired by Disney as a child. Wish I would have been given such a gift.