And double pity, that fool may actually find someone to procreate with. They would have to be equally stupid so the poor kid literally has no chance Unless of course they murder it which is also probable but like I said, no chance for the kid either way
The white guy in the Charlottesville deaths got about a dozen fed hate crime charges added on and ended up with something like double life sentences. I should see no reason why we can’t expect the same type of charges in this case. All of his social media was grabbed before it could be scrubbed from the net. Same with criminal records.
I understand CNN reported he was fleeing from a knife fight only to have the police press briefing a couple of hours later refute that. I can't understand why anyone would watch CNN, they never get anything correct. Meanwhile from the Babylon Bee; " "WASHINGTON, D.C.—After a deadly terrorist attack in Waukesha Wisconsin in which a terrorist SUV drove itself into a parade and murdered people all by itself, Attorney General Merrick Garland has ordered the FBI to place all SUVs on the Terrorist Watchlist. "We have no idea what led this SUV to commit this terrorist act, but we promise to get to the bottom of it," said Garland. "I have directed the FBI to investigate all SUVs before they strike again." The FBI will be coordinating with local law enforcement to closely monitor all sport utility vehicles and trucks for signs of extremism or aggression. Any SUV seen making a wrong turn or disobeying traffic laws will be immediately confiscated and tortured at an undisclosed location until it confesses to terrorist activity. The media immediately praised the FBI for addressing the SUV menace. "It's about time someone addressed the evil evilness of SUVs," said one MSNBC anchor. "They are the real enemy of the people here, definitely not the media." The FBI also confirmed that media SUVs will be exempt. "
Babylon Bee or Washington Post? It's an important distinction to make, since the BB is the more credible of the 2.