They beat us at Auburn in '04. We lost to Kentucky & Arkansas last year. Let's not go overboard... All other things being equal, if I have a choice between 2 equal players, I'd rather take the one from my opponent than the one who will go to a team in a different conference. You believe that Michael & Richardson are equal, or very very close to it. The coaches currently do not. You believe that we stand a substantially better chance with Michael than with Richardson. The coaches disagree.
Just from their actions over the recruiting process. It is no secret that CM has not recieved the royal treatment to the extent of TR. CM was not even highly recruited by LSU for most of the year. Things picked back up right after a great showing at the Florida camp, even after that the coaches did not run over and get a evaluation since he continued to fail and make his scheduled visits here. Still I am not hearing that CM is getting a larger dose of calls and mail from the staff. From that I see the coaches favoring TR over CM. How much of that is because he is committed to a rival school, I can not say for sure.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. The thought of not taking a back with megastar potential because you may get another that is presently committted to another team that happens to be a conference foe is silly and risky. I do not believe that it is the primary issue here; it's just a bunch of made up nonsense to sound clever. Miles seems to value up front meetings with players to gauge their interest and quality of character in person. These are the most plausible reasons for CM not being offered here, at least that is obvious to us peons. Who knows the details, and who really knows what CM is really interested in. Like others said, he is the one who has missed opportunities to come and visit. From all experiences thusfar, Miles is clearly a stand up guy who values character and commitment, but if CM does not demonstrate that, then he may not get an offer.
:geaux::crystal::helmet: I agree that CM's chances have been hurt due to the fact he has not come to LSU and been talked to and evaluated in person. In the previous post it was stated that Coach Miles is big on personal evaluations and I believe that. It's important to get that personal feel for an individual when you're talking to them face to face, eye to eye. Obviously you can't get that looking at tape. I hope CM comes to LSU and gets some face time with the coaches. On the other hand, I'm not sure about the whole deal on waiting for someone who's already committed somewhere else. Do the coaches really know something that makes them feel so confident about TR? Maybe. But if LSU really wants another RB and Michael is available, why don't we take him. Does LSU really risk losing him, waiting on a player who is currently not available? Sounds risky to me, but I'm not an expert and that's what they pay the coaches the big bucks for. IMO, we take CM if he's available and it does not hurt us in filling our other needs for this class. :geauxtige:champs::LSU231:
Miles and staff still feel good about their chances from talks with TR who stays in contact regularly and the continous comments from TR in interviews about him still being open. (Ex. I am 50% committed about a month back) I still think he eventually stays with Bama but the coaches know more than me. Remember, LSU does not really need another RB but they feel TR is a must take if he wants to commit. CM might become a must take as well after they meet with him and evaluate him. So becuase they really do not need another RB, why not take your shot at TR instead of closing the door by potentially accepting a commit from CM. TR wants to be a feature back and with Ford and Pratt already committed that does not increase his chances at accomplishing that goal. Now add CM, LSU is not very attractive. Paradiseinc, we know of CM interest in LSU is very high from direct comments in interviews. All you really have to do is check his myspace page that is decked out in P&G since last year. There are many reasons why he missed the visits such as schedule conflicts, gas prices, parents have to work and can't give him a ride, or he just wanted to hang out with his buds during the weekend. Either way we know his interest level is very high. In closing, it has to play out. THe coaches could see CM, consider him a must take, and tell TR we need to know what you plan to do now. We could just forget about TR all together and offer CM. Or we could just hold off on an offer because we feel CM will wait and wait for things to develop down the road. If we miss out on both, the coaches are still satisfied with Ford and Pratt since all we projected was 2 RB in this class anyway.
He changed it a few weeks ago.