Does # 7 remind you of anything?
Some of those are a little weak. The dude from Boise is a punk. Either one of his should be the winner. I hope someone beat the chit outta that asshat who used a laser.
yes, it was. after the game greenie was telling me about it. and coach toledo was infuriated that neither the houston coach or player apologized, expressed regret, said they were worried about the kid, kiss my ass, nothing, during the after game presser. it was like they didnt give a chit that the kid was seriously injured.
Please allow a write in vote, the entire back 7 for USC (Rey and Taylor specifically). I know they are an amazing bunch and will be in the pro’s too. They certainly don’t need to result to dirty play to beat the crap out of everyone they play but I was shocked every time I watch a USC game at the number of helmet to helmet and helmet to chin shots they get in during a game. Even more shocking to me was the fact that the announcers never said a word about it. I guess not...Mr USC (Musberger) was too busy kissing Pete's behind to notice a cheap shot.
I voted for the Houston late hit. The chop block was bad as well, but that first one was just blatant. I guess it didn't help to hear the outrage by the fans that the official had the "nerve" to throw a flag on that one.
Wanted to vote for the Onelane one, but ended up going with the Boise guy... because that was straight up common criminal behavior. Seriously, how angry can one dude be?
houston seems to have a bit of a dirty streak no matter what the sport. it was their basketball player that stomped the face of an opponent.