I agree, It carries more pop when it's the actual player from the accused university. It's been my personal observation that rogue boosters are hard to regulate. Kinda like rogue agents, too much impunity. Coach Saban's description of these guys being the same as pimps sounds a lot less funny these days. The auburn players squealing tonight may be showing that past loyalties and the "code of silence" may be entering a new era of personal noncompliance.
Wow...what a creative thread...I have not read anout this yet :rolleye33: http://forums.tigerfan.com/tigers-den/104940-chaz-ramsey-going-knees-again.html Just busting your chops BTW :thumb:
I don't like it & I wish it wasn't true, but in this day & age, I don't doubt for a second that there are LSU boosters (as well as boosters from every other school) that do this. I agree with Bud Lee that LSU probably has no direct knowledge or involvement in this happening, but if it is ever found out, the hammer would drop on us just the same. It's sad, but I almost feel like schools need to have an investigations department in the AD that is a part of the compliance division that goes out & monitors trouble boosters & pre-emptively bans them from all school activity if they think they could get us in trouble.
Chaz Ramsey got death threats from LSU fans following his attempt to assassinate Glenn Dorsey's football career, so pardon me if I'm not the least bit surprised that he would try and throw us under the bus. Eff that d-bag.
It's just a really dumb thing to do. It's not like a random guy giving a kid $500 is going to get him to LSU anyway. Those kids just take the money from whoever's offering and then just pick the school they like best. Not like its binding or they have to give it back.
Then the AD better go hire about 100 new compliance officers, and they'd all have their work cut out for them. A friend of mine did tutoring over at the Cox center and they get the full compliance spiel. These guys aren't allowed to so much as give a player a ride somewhere without breaking NCAA rules. You can reasonably enforce what the major money boosters do, as well as the conduct of your own coaching staff. But for a school to squash out every guy who walks up to a recruit with a few hundred $ in cash is impossible.