Anyone else worried? He said that Florida moved to his top 2 on the list and he previously expressed how much he loved his L.A. visit. So my guess would be LSU is not on his top 2 list. Why Im worried is because we lost our 2 starting safeties and we need depth at this position, which was one of LSU's strongest positions. The guy is the no. 1 safety, he's 6'3" 232 lbs and runs a 4.5-40!! I think he would start right away for the team.
Which is why I'm not worried. If you look on his profile, he has 8 schools listed, and the interest rating is the same for all 8 of them. This guy's just keeping his decision to himself. Personally, I respect that. Better than committing or leaning hard one way, then pulling a fast one at the last minute. Nobody knows where he's going except him, and he may not even know yet.
He stated that it's between LSU and Florida. So if Florida is #2, guess who would be #1? You got it. It sounds like 50-50, but I put a slight lean towards LSU.
He's setting it up for another KW situation. No signing on NSD. And you have to love the third person reference. :thumb:
His brother is probably telling him all sorts of things on how "the man will keep you down" if you come to LSU... and what not. In the end, I believe the Black Panther will end up steering his brother elsewhere. However, the point is moot because he's going to take the money from MLB.
Which is exactly why I have paid little attention or given even less concern to the recruitment of Chad Jones. Everything I've read sounds like he is going to go MLB and take the money. If not this year, next but it sure sounds like a given. *shrugs*
same thing we thought about jared mitchell last year. In the end, he went in the 5th round (I believe) and decided to play both football and baseball at LSU!