Well i'm pretty sure Les already knew where his heart was. I mean Chad does say everytime how Baseball is his first love...
they are taught at a young age to say baseball is their favorite sport because they cannot be drafted out of high school to play football. Therefore, to maximize their contracts, they will say this no matter what sport they truly wish to play more. if there's any doubt in the minds of the scouts, they will plummet in the draft. Thats why jared mitchell fell so far last year and jones last week. where a guy is picked is no longer related to their skill-set. Its signability first and foremost. Thats the scott boras effect.
He wants at least 1 million and I am a little worried since the Astros didnt draft any in the 1st 3 rounds. Also during his interview during the Bayou Bowl, you could tell he was using LSU as a negotiation tool.
I was not aware of these two things. Guess this explains why he's not enrolled in summer classes. Full Story
It looks like even if CJ signs we could still have him. So, it may be possible that he signs with the Astro's and still plays football for us. Never new this was possible
I kind of figured they should be allowed to workout some if they weren't in summer school. It isn't a requirement to be enrolled in summer school to be considered a full time student.
unless things have really changed since i was there, that's not the class you want him signing up for. trust me.
Richard "The Hack" Justice of the Houston Chronicle thinks Jones' $800K to $1M asking price is a bargain. http://blogs.chron.com/sportsjustice/archives/2007/06/how_to_fix_the.html Why is this thread in RECRUITING? Dude SIGNED with LSU. I only found it after searching for Chad Jones.