Thrilled to see my favorite team, the Cincinnati Reds, take the Dreadlocks of Doom in the 9th round. Always felt baseball was a better path for him than football. Best of luck, CJ!
You think your life sucks, you wanna give up, throw in the towel, bitch and complain about everything? Here's a guy who was about to taste the spotlight, be on a Super Bowl team perhaps even see action that season and play in said Super Bowl....... and then have his whole world and his life within an inch of being taken. Leg shredded. For him to be able to make this comeback this far is incredible, regardless if he pans out or not. But something tells me not to count Chad Jones out
"My long-term goal is to play in the Major Leagues. If I just look at that long-term goal, though, it will never come. My short-term goal was to get on the mound and be comfortable, and I did that today."
Front page of Sunday's Cincinnati Enquirer. The story: