I'm going to say their figures are a bit off. The salary figure they provide for CLM for instance is from 2005 and doesn't square up with the contract link listed separately. Also, USC has never made PC's salary public information and consequently there is no link for him in the Coaching Contract link. Using the 2004 Tax Return filed by USC however, PC's salary is in the $2.5M neighborhood, not exactly $3.8M. They guessed and I believe they guessed high as well as understating the revenue. Unless I missed it, I can't find any sources for their information including what goes into their revenue number. Considering that PC has the highest winning percentage of acting coaches with more than 2 years experience and there have been no new season ticket sales for 3 years, only renewals, I'd say PC is NOT overpaid. I have the feeling, ya'll would love to see CLM get more green and he should. :thumb:
I would think that many of these schools with lower than anticipated revenues have different accounting procedures in place. I would think that this % might be justifiable if the coach was responsible for the entire revenue stream, but I would think some of these programs would generate $$$$ no matter who was the coach. Would love to see the what the incremental impact of the coach is, and tie salary to that.
Nebraska is a marquis program and they will make it back. There are a lot more great athletes out there today. Scholarships and great coaches are what's in short supply. Look at how many quality athletes from Louisiana this year alone, that won't get a ride at LSU. Now factor in the state of TX and all their athletes. You think Nebraska won't find themselves in the same position as bama has? Winning tradition + open spots for an early start? The only question is if Bo can(and will) recruit. He will have to, and if he does, Nebraska fans will show their appreciation by increasing revenue.
The "name" can help unleash pent-up revenue streams, or can coincide with pipeline streams that begin to pay out. Just saying that the coach is just part of the equation, and wondering what the incremental impact is. Different for each school and situation.
Absolutely. Here's some additional data from the Office of Postsecondary Education, a division of the U.S. Department of Education. Link: USC Athletic Revenues & Expenses Here are the summaries of revenues for SC, Notre Dame, Oklahoma and Alabama. Total Athletic Department Revenues do not vary that much among the four schools; their method of allocation certainly does, however. USC shows over half of it's athletic revenues in the category "Not allocated by gender/sport", which is much higher than the other three schools.
When SMU fired Phil Bennett their AD went out and raised like 10M from boosters to hire a new coach. They basically gave the whole wad to Jones. I doubt their football program breaks even though. A lot of the big high schools in the area pull larger crowds. My girlfriend went to SMU so I tailgate for a few games each year. The school actually shuts everyone down right before kickoff in an attempt to get people to go to the game...but it doesn't work. The majority of tailgaters head to the bars to watch other games on TV. I've never seen fans more apathetic towards their team anywhere. I'd like to see them turn it around though. It would be nice to have a reason to actually stay for a game.
His salary was not justified by back to back 11 win seasons, 2 bowl blowouts over ranked teams, one of them a BCS bowl, but it is now? Didn't he just basically double his salary for a 12 win season and a NC? If it's justified at this level now, why wasn't it justified at the previous level? Was he failing before?
i believe that!!! we went to the tulane/smu game this year. we were walking towards the stadium and i swear, i dont think i saw more than a dozen people from the car to the stadium. now granted, we went in a bit early so we could visit with some of the greenie parents we knew who were there early, but still.... i just walked along going "where is everyone?" i mean at lsu when you get within just a couple of blocks of the stadium there isnt hardly room to move. at smu its like a ghost town! and no one there during the game. i think the greenies had more fans than the home team! i have never seen a more pathetic display in my life! even tulane turns out more fans!!!