Even if Florida comes back and wins (it's 38-35 as of this post), Michigan has been more than competitive against last year's champs and have overcome 4 TOs. The speed gap between the SEC and the BIG 10 is either non-existent or overrated.
Michigan's pressure on Tebow was an important factor in this game. I think Florida's cook is goosed. :shock:
Non-existent. I've been saying it. With recruiting at all these BCS conference schools being "national" these days, teams composed primarily of corn-fed beefy guys that can just run the ball are now more than able to recruit speed players at all positions.
I think Urban Meyer has done a poor coaching job today...UM has blitzed every time on 3rd and long while UF has gone 5 wide, allowing the pressure get to Tebow....There were no adjustments made like bringing a RB and go 4 wide.
You're right.... but amazingly, UF can still pull out a "W" if they score a TD on this drive. Personally, I'm having my doubts. Florida just doesn't seem to have showed up today ready to play. I think they bought into the media hype that they were going to roll over Michigan and got surprised.