The only thing that keeps their program going is the money they get for being cannon fodder in rent-a-win games.
truth be told they are pretty much revenue neutral. loss of 70K $25,599,442 revenue $25,668,326 expenses
Oil people in Lafayette who are dumb enough to believe they are just one hire away from joining the SEC won’t ever let reality prevail. Land of delusion.
I'm around lurking when I can. Work and getting ready for Christmas has me tied for time right now. But yeh I did notice the increase. It's nice to see some posting going on. Think everyone needs to make a stop there.
This. If they would just accept who they are, they would already have brought Rebowe back as head coach.
Curious about the numbers behind this statement. Kinda feel like the smaller schools should be the first to feel the heat.
I would have LSU, UNO and La Tech as complete universities and the rest as specialist universities. Health sciences there. Humanities over there...etc.