Supposedly Detellier is still emphatic that Canada is a gone pecan. I put stock in what Detellier says, just not a ton. Dude likes to talk. Maybe so; I guess I’m kinda leaning toward believing he’s gone. I don’t mind Eaux hiring a bunch of buddies if they don’t suck, but it’s a little concerning.
Amen! I've been saying this for 40 years. It's a throwback to the Huey Long era. Every dumb ass in the legislature felt he could put up a campus like they were gas stations. What do we have now? A fricking campus every 20 miles, most illegitimate .All draining the budget.
Not knowing any real figures but just guessing that Southern is about 90% black and LSU is about 90% white but the 10% of LSU students who are black outnumber the 90% of Southern students who are black.
I said I was guessing. LSU is 73% white and 12% black. There are 3.156 black students at LSU. Southern is 92.3% black.