My stepdaughter received in state tuition this year but was from MS...but I believe at least one parent or guardian must of lived in LA for the 2 or more years prior to registration.
They do, so I guess I could do that. However, I think she wants to ultimately end up living in Texas, so she may stay closer to home for school (which is fine with her mom...)
I believe they used to get in-state tuition is a parent was an alum. Apparently, they did away with that during one of their budget cuts.
I had just the opposite experience at both WVU games. 2010 in BR and 2011 in Morgantown. WVU fans could not have bee nicer.
You may want to check into Louisiana Tech for scholarships. My daughter graduated from a Clear Creek ISD high school, home to NASA's JSC. It was extremely competitive. Many students are children of astronauts and NASA scientists and engineers. My daughter got a 33 on her ACT and graduated number 15 out of 600 students (Top 3%). She got absolutely no scholarship offers from UT or A&M. They don't have to offer scholarships because there is just too much demand to attend these schools. She got the Presidential Scholarship at Louisiana Tech which covers tuition, room, and board. You just have to pay for books (which many classes don't even require now days) and incidentals. These scholarships are based on ACT score and GPA and are automatic when you are accepted. Many NE Texas students attend because of its proximity. She asked me about the quality of La Tech verses UT and A&M. I told her the Texas schools were better, but they are not $100K better for a 4 year degree!! I've got a recent La Tech grad working in my group and he makes the same money that recent UT and A&M grads make. My daughter will graduate with no debt, which financially puts her miles ahead of the UT and A&M grads with student loans.
Unless you get in under an out of state alumni association. We just sent a girl in from San Diego and the fees were waved. Don't know how universal that is though.
Good for her. Maybe it's a special arrangement LSU has with Alumni Associations. It's definitely not available to all children of LSU alums.
I agree and in this case, I don't believe the parents are alumni. In SD, we have a pretty stout alumni association that does a lot, so there may be some privilege.