Chicken little thought the sky was falling. I’m the character that believes the sky has already fallen sitting back smoking a doob waiting on others to realize it as well.
You sound like some of us were with Miles. What’s disturbing is how unwilling so many are to give the guy a chance.
Your first mistake was assuming I have anything to prove to you or anyone on some random forum. Go dick measure about who's a bigger fan somewhere else dumbass.
You want to feel good about 12th place prize, that's fine. I will always cheer for LSU, but I won't pretend to be happy with falling short. I'm not an old timer who is just happy with a winning record. I went to LSU in the 2000s and expect that from them.
Dude 12th place prize. Wow you really are dense. If you went to LSU in the 2000 then you should be more excited even more. I was there around the same time and remember when we upset Tennessee in the SEC champ to pretty much ruin their season. We are and will be better than that Calling a top tier bowl game, 12th place feel good price, after year one of Orgeron is frankly asinine. What ever everyone has an opinion even bad ones.
Where exactly do you think we will end in the rankings this year? Assuming a win Somewhere between 9th and 12th? So yeah, 12th place prize is pretty accurate. This isn't some new thing, I've always said this. LSU should be competing for a playoff game every year. A season partipation bowl game is dumb. Nothing is at stake, that's why some players don't even play.