You really only see things as black or white don’t you. What an idiotic statement! You know next to nothing about me so be careful what you say. You wouldn’t want to malign someone errantly
He did well all the other games but that one reverted to the same thing Miles had done in past. Almost like he was afraid of changing.
Agreed looks as if Canada was hanging around with his finger in his ass while others were running the roads recruiting.
You really I mean really expected O to beat Bama this year with the hand he was dealt? Even a clown could see that wasn't going to happen.
We are going to continue to see this for the next couple of seasons. The people who don’t like O are going to find any and every reason to crucify him and this is another chance. I tend to agree that this isn’t a great situation. I was excited about Canada’s potential production but stars don’t lie coach E did more last year than Canada has done with his razzle dazzle. So if Canada has issues or O has issues with Canada then this may be the right move. It bugs me we are taking a costly hit here but it will work out. When we are playing in a New Year’s Day bowl again next year I’m sure there will be bitching still.
Of course not! Nobody did, but that was the reason given "Couldn't beat Alabama". Which begs the question why LSU hired a known loser. It appears that someone ordered a Code Red on LSU's entire football program. I know a lot of LSU people wondering who it is.
Just to prove how totally clueless you are, everyone else in here knows I am a “she” not a “he”. Now go back to the political forum