i could get with that... i also wouldn't mind seeing what year 2 would've brought us... i'm not arguing against canada because i could go either way, although i prefer pro style west coast o to jet sweeps... i'm just not understanding the strong arguments being made for a guy that had our o ranked last in the west in scoring offense when he's supposed to be a miracle worker on o...
lane might not have been the best head coach in the past but he is a damn good o coordinator... he caught a lot of shit for leaving the vols for his dream job after one year, but taggart just did the same thing to the ducks for free shoes u... and look at what he's done for fau, 1 year, 1 'ship...
Folks are forgetting Aranda is the associate Head Coach. You have to take into account his part (and he had a part) in seeing Canada hit the steps. The only real problem I ever saw with Canada being brought in was the vetting process. Something LSU does not excel at. In the end, like it or not, this is likely the best for LSU given the position the team was placed into at this time last year. I gotta also believe that whoever is next has been thought through to a certain degree with the appreciation of relationships with Canada over the course of the year. There are some decent suitors out there not named Kiffen and Ensminger. I just wish we wouldn’t be so fucking gun ho about dropping so much bank on a promise and reserve the big pay day for results. But that would be very un-LSUish. Sucks to be us sometimes...
This all boils down to the fact that we have one of the worst Athletic Directors in the country. It took an ex LSU vice chancellor, and current A&M AD and Baton Rouge native what? A few days to land Jimbo, and our big nosed moron couldn’t do it so we settled on the Binder boy. I love LSU, but I fucking hate Joe Alleva, and I’m starting to severely dislike Orgeron.
It would have been a great hire. The only point I was trying to make is IF your problem with Canada is his off field stuff, you look pretty stupid when Lane was your first choice.